brainpop solar system transcript

Two inserts appear. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Another animation shows a view of a large rock moving in a starry sky. TIM: Yeah, theyve been traveling in space for about 35 years now! All of the parts of the diagram are labeled and a horizontal red arrow labeled gravity goes through the image and points from the Oort cloud to the sun. An animation first shows the sun and several other planets surrounded by a ring of gray specks, and then zooms out to show the entire solar system, represented by light purple dots arranged in a spherical pattern against a night sky. TIM: Plutos moons, Charon, Hydra, and Nix, are also Kuiper belt objects. Terms of Use; Privacy; Trademarks and Copyrights; Accessibility; Do Not Sell My Personal Information To get started, all you have to do is set up your teacher account. Use strategy to up your points! Venus is sometimes called Earths sister planet, because of the similar size. The one on the left shows the Pioneer 10 spacecraft and the one on the right shows the Pioneer 11 spacecraft. Butterflies Camouflage Classifying animals Fish Food chain Frogs Hibernation Insects Living and nonliving things Mammals Migration Forests Parts of a plant Plant . Contact your administrator for guidance on teaching this topic. (Apply new knowledge;Identify cause/effect). TIM: Oh, the things I mentioned are all governed by the suns gravity, which stretches half way to the next star system! It's actually just a medium-sized star, but for us it's the most important star there is. The image of the sun, the planets, and the Kuiper belt is shown. TIM: Like the stuff in the Kuiper belt, objects in the Oort cloud are thought to have originated way back when the solar system was just starting up. TIM: Today, people just use the term Planet X to mean some undiscovered major planet of the solar system. Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. TIM: One of these is a dwarf planet called Eris. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! TIM: Its been really hard to keep track of these guys, since the signals they emit are so weak and so far away now! Different sized objects scattered around the Kuiper belt are highlighted in blue and labeled Scattered disc.. TIM: Uranus is a gassy planet with small gray rings and more than 25 moons. The image of the sun, the planets, the Kuiper belt, and the scattered disc is shown again. An image shows Tims hand holding a typed letter. The camera pans away from the sun. Two inserts appear and show the rocky surface. Two inserts appear showing the axis of the planet perpendicular to the plane containing the ring. A diagram of the solar system is shown. Another animation shows the orbits of the each planet, as well as Pluto's. TIM: But, you know, there probably wont be any more planets found. An animation shows Moby looking at Tim. An image is shown of a gray planet, labeled Eris, against a night sky. The animation shows Moby take a cloth and clean the lens on Tim's telescope. But for us, it's the most important one around. An animation shows the spacecraft moving away from the camera into outer space until it eventually disappears. Lightning from the yellow gas strikes the red, rocky ground. Standard and Scientific Notation/Transcript. Others include Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, and an object named Eris, which is slightly larger than Pluto. The other shows white, gray, and black areas on the blue surface. Already have an individual account with Creative Coding? BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on the Solar System Topic Page to your class. The animation shows Moby take a cloth and clean the lens on Tim's telescope. The smaller planet is labeled Pluto.. We can't find the project you're looking for. TIM: The Oort cloud is a whole light-year away from the sun it takes an entire year for a ray of sunshine to reach it! ","alignment_guid":"95D6F986-2F4E-11E9-AECB-D0A0D9F723EE","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/challenge\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/challenge_svg_icon.svg"},{"feature_id":"294","type":"concept_map","name":"Make-a-Map","alignments_description":"A concept mapping tool. TIM: Well, the solar system is our home in the galaxy. In the animation, an insert shows a close-up of the red spot. It was named after the Roman god of the sea maybe because it's so blue! As each condition is mentioned, four inserts show different parts of Earth: an ocean; buildings amongst trees; people; and animals. TIM: Hey Moby, I think I see aliens. Text added above the arrow reads: trans-Neptunian objects. TIM: Sedna, another large scattered disc object, hasnt been fully categorized yet. In one of these areas, there is a large red spot. BrainPOP Jr. Games. TIM: But there are tons of other objects that keep popping up in the far regions of the solar system! Moby first looks up, then blinks and looks back down. TIM: They launched in the early 1970s and are also thought to be nearing the heliopause. Stop at the following times in the movie and ask questions or prompt a discussion to keep students focused and to assess their understanding before moving on: Timecode 1:12: Why did Earth become an inner planet? There are four rocky, inner planetsMercury, Venus, Earth, and Marsand four gas giants farther outJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Learn how you can get access to hundreds of topic-specific coding projects. An image of an astronaut walking on the moon is displayed on the screen, and then an image of a spacecraft against a night sky is added to the right of it. TIM: Over millions of years, gravity drew a lot of this stuff together, into clumps. TIM: Are there are there others like you? The animation shows objects being pulled into the center of the cloud, forming clumps. The animation zooms in to Venus' surface. ","What is in the outer Solar System? Text reads: Oort cloud. TIM: Other large Kuiper bodies include Orcus, Quaoar, and Varuna. An inset shows a closer look at the ice and rocks that make up the rings. TIM: Then there's the last one Pluto, a cold, rocky body even smaller than our own moon. This animated Science resource page with lesson plans and teaching tips, for Kindergarten to 3rd grade students teaches about the Sun, moons, and planets that make up our Solar System. TIM: The moon is the sixth planet in the sky, next to the sun between Mars and the Earth. At the end of the episode, Moby says he knows what it's like out there and after questioned by Tim, hypnotizes him. An image shows a big, brown planet labeled Pluto, a smaller, purple moon labeled. TIM: Scientists think that comets come from far regions of the solar system, called the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. TIM: Although it's cold and dry now, scientists think Mars was once much more like Earth. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. The last planet shown and its orbit are labeled Planet Upper X. Try searching your Timeline, or return to the homepage. It is depicted as a blue-green sphere with a small white vertical ring. An earth-friendly renewable source of energy that comes to us straight from the sun! But how does it make our calculators work? TIM: Man, I wonder what it must feel like to be so far from home An animation shows Tim and Moby at their camp site in the middle of dark woods. Two inserts appear showing two different views of the surface. TIM: Farther out from the Kuiper belt is an area called the scattered disc. As it approaches, its tail grows longer. TIM: Its by far the most distant known region of the solar system. (, : Why did Earth become an inner planet? Another drawing shows a cluster of rocks in front of a planet at the bottom. While scanning the night sky with a pair of binoculars, Tim is interrupted by Moby, giving him a letter asking if there is a 'Planet X'. A diagram shows two planets and their orbits. Two objects, labeled Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, marked by Upper Xs, move away from the Earth with their paths shown as dotted curves. TIM: Comets are clumps of ice and dust that orbit the sun. ","alignment_guid":null},{"EntryID":"298","name":"Time Zone X: Mars","url":"\/games\/timezonexmars\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null},{"EntryID":"554","name":"Time Zone X: Mercury","url":"\/games\/timezonexmercury\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"0668AC24-2F56-11E9-9FC9-CEFF6CCC982B"},{"EntryID":"299","name":"Time Zone X: Galileo Galilei","url":"\/games\/timezonexgalileogalilei\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"2A662CC8-2F56-11E9-BAFC-E4056D23C85C"},{"EntryID":"555","name":"Time Zone X: Venus","url":"\/games\/timezonexvenus\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"3103C072-2F56-11E9-A37E-D4E343040C2D"},{"EntryID":"556","name":"Time Zone X: Pluto","url":"\/games\/timezonexpluto\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"CC7CB9D2-2F51-11E9-966F-B39AC3583E9A"},{"EntryID":"312","name":"Time Zone X: Moon","url":"\/games\/timezonexmoon\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"83C67F96-2F4E-11E9-A5B0-A570F9F3F65B"},{"EntryID":"568","name":"Time Zone X: Solar System","url":"\/games\/timezonexsolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"9B2B83DE-2F4E-11E9-B951-FB17784B80DE"},{"EntryID":"314","name":"Time Zone X: Jupiter","url":"\/games\/timezonexjupiter\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"71C0DA80-2F4E-11E9-B928-E04C0573EC52"},{"EntryID":"315","name":"Time Zone X: Comets","url":"\/games\/timezonexcomets\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D00AB04A-2F56-11E9-A730-DE0F46AC40DD"},{"EntryID":"580","name":"Time Zone X: Outer Solar System","url":"\/games\/timezonexoutersolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"7BB891DE-2F5A-11E9-B582-925D16AD1D34"},{"EntryID":"585","name":"Time Zone X: Earth","url":"\/games\/timezonexearth\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"3798AC2C-2F56-11E9-BF28-F3251781C3FF"},{"EntryID":"635","name":"Time Zone X: Copernicus","url":"\/games\/timezonexcopernicus\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"AF57F738-2F72-11E9-84CA-B0D71746A6F7"},{"EntryID":"714","name":"The Meaning of Beep: Mars","url":"\/games\/mobmars\/","type":"meaningofbeep","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"7B5AA63E-2F4E-11E9-BD13-B45103365D45"}],"sortify_games":[],"features":[{"type":"quiz","feature_id":"12747","name":"Quiz","feature_name":"Quiz","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null,"requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/quiz\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/quiz_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"challenge","feature_id":"31584","name":"Challenge","feature_name":"Challenge","alignments_description":"Interactive tasks that playfully assess knowledge of a topic. No one knows exactly why that is, but some scientists think the planet was knocked around during its early days by some other passing body. The clump of ice gets closer to the sun. "}},"relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"3060","name":"Word Play","display_name":"Word Play","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/word_play_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/word_play_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/wordplay\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_wordPlay.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/wordplay\/","type":"word_play","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/wordplay\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"text":"Play with words! Then show the movie once through without pausing. That's why the inner planets formed mostly out of rocky material. An animation shows a man, Tim, and a robot, Moby, at a campsite. ","What is the Sun? But wait, there's more! TIM: The Pioneer 10 and 11 probes have been out there even longer. Searching.. educators resources search ELL topics. Please enable JavaScript on your browser. Already have an individual account with Creative Coding? Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. It was considered the main planet until 2006 when it got demoted to a dwarf planet. Most of them are concentrated in the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. One is barren and the other shows some rocks. TIM: That means it traps the sun's heat. He is holding a star chart in one hand and a pair of binoculars in the other. The orbits are ellipses. TIM: There are more than 1,000 trans-Neptunian objects in the solar system and counting! TIM: For a while, Pluto was thought to be the missing planet. An image of a planet labeled Pluto is shown against a night sky. Another, similar line labeled heliopause is added to the right of the line labeled termination shock, so that the arrow labeled solar wind points right to it. An animation shows the sun and the planets of the solar system, then zooms out to show a ring around the planets composed of small objects. The arrow labeled gravity is removed and another, yellow horizontal arrow pointing from the sun extending to the middle of the scattered disc and labeled solar wind is added. Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. In the animation, the view of the asteroids moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of Pluto. An animation shows Mars, with two gray moons orbiting the planet. TIM: Ooh, I think I see Neptune! When it gets close to the sun, the dust and ice form long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth. Tim is lying on the ground in a sleeping bag partially sticking out of a camping tent. "},"game":{"type":"game","instructions":"Code a sorting game to show what you know about the solar system. "},"comic":{"type":"comic","instructions":"Create a comic about the solar system. The ellipse representing Plutos orbit is long and narrow and can be seen to intersect the ellipse representing Neptune's orbit. Limited Student Access . 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