inventions from venezuela

His contributions include BCFW recursion relations, the CSW vertex expansion and the amplituhedron. In August 1806, Francisco de Miranda, a dashing Venezuelan exile, arrived from Barbados. He was also a corresponding member of the Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Knight of the Order of the Polar Star, Claude Bernard Medal, Cambridge annual Medical Prize. He developed the idea to reinforce the seams of "blue pants" with metal rivets to make them stronger. Member of the Academy of Sciences of Latin America (since 2003). When gold was discovered, slavery became rampant and African slaves were also brought into the country to work in the mines. He also contributed to improving the treatment of Banti syndrome (abnormal growth of the spleen) and portal hypertension (usually caused by liver cirrhosis). He completed his post-graduate studies at the Institute of Pathological Anatomy at Vargas Hospital and New England Medical Center in Boston. Simultaneously the golden age of art, literature, and. As a graduate student he was named a representative to the Committee for Peaceful Uses of Outer Space of the General Assembly of the United Nations. In that position, along with Martn Mayer founded the research section of the National Institute of Hygiene in Caracas. [50] He worked for Texas Instruments from 1994 to 2003, was an adjunct professor for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech (19992001), professor at Georgia Tech since 2001 and visiting professor at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan since 2011. In 1955 nationalizated as Venezuelan Pi Sunier wrote in Caracas ten books and two novels, apart from the essays and monographs collected in scientific journals and in cultural publications, which is an inventory of great value that earned him the Kalinga Prize, granted by UNESCO in 1955. He was very active in promoting science to the public and participated in many national and international organizations promoting science. He studied mathematics at the University of Paris (1920). He began his professorial career more than forty years ago in the Faculty of Engineering of the Central University of Venezuela, where he won the chair of Mathematical Analysis by Competition. 1887 - Thomas Alva Edison invented the phonograph. Graduate in medicine at the University of Barcelona in 1899 gained a doctorate at the University of Madrid in 1900 with a thesis on anaerobic life. Dutrnit, G.; Aguirre-Bastos, C.; Puchet, M. and M. Salazar (2021) Latin America. Raimundo Villegas (Caracas, September 14, 1931 Caracas, October 21, 2014) Venezuelan physician, researcher and scientist graduated at the Central University of Venezuela. [74] In 2013, she was named by the BBC as one of the top ten women scientists in Latin America. The original slogan was "Se acab la piladera", which means "No more pounding". Other institutions directed by him were the Institute of Neurology and Brain Investigation, reorganized by him in 1959 as the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC). His work has generated 38 patents. He left formal education after the fourth year of primary school, but soon began to develop an interest in mechanics, enjoying discovering for himself the speed ratios produced by connecting oranges of different diameters and rotating them by means of jets of water. Later traveling in 1935 to the United States as a fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation to obtain a doctorate from Johns Hopkins University in hygiene sciences with speciality in protozoology. Razetti gained his doctorate in medicine from the Central University of Venezuela (August 4, 1884), to a month to turn 22 years old. Fancisco J. Duarte (Maracaibo 1883 Caracas 1972) Engineer and mathematician. Another Spanish expedition led by Alonso de Ojeda landed at the Gulf of Venezuela and in seeing the houses on stilts lining the coast gave it the name Venezuela meaning Little Venice. 1830 date given as testimony in Siegert v. Findlater, 1876, reported in N.C. Moak. He also directed the Institute of Experimental Medicine, where he formed a school of physiology like that of Barcelona. Orphaned at age 7, he was raised in Spain by his cousin-once-removed, Field Marshal Juan Manuel Cajigal, former captain general of Venezuela and Cuba. The first functioning laser is invented by Theodore Maiman, an American engineer, and physicist who's extensively credited with the invention of the laser, which is one of the great inventions in the 60s. Astronomer and PhD degree in 1981 from the University of California in Berkeley, US. The national capital, Caracas, is Venezuela's primary centre of . He tried to make engineering proposals lighter and fresh, optimizing resources and reducing environmental impact. He graduated as an engineer from the University of Jena and moved to Costa Rica in 1887,[1] where he founded the Physical Geographic Institute and an herbarium. In 1937 he arrived in Venezuela as a researcher at the Chemistry Laboratory at the El Valle Experimental Station and later was nominated director of the Research Service of the Ministry of Agriculture. Figuras mdicas venezolanas. The Jesuits Joseph Gumilla and Filippo Salvatore Gilii were the first to theorize about linguistic relations and propose possible language families for the Orinoco river basin. The first studies on the native languages of Venezuela and the indigenous customs were made in the middle of the XVIII century by the Catholic missionaries. in 1960. Romero has an important contribution with 248 records on identification and classification of new species of Orchidaceae, which regularly publish in: Novon; Harvard Pap. Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Museo de Biologa de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Institute for Maritime and Tropical Diseases, Simn Bolvar Chair of Latin-American Studies, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, United States National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Institution of Engineering and Technology, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Science, Venezuelan National Council of Scientific Investigation, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search, Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Iberoamerican Association of Science Journalists, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales, Llano del Hato National Astronomical Observatory, Spanish language in science and technology, "An Account of Dr. Louis-Daniel Beauperthuy", "The inside history of a great medical discovery. He was cofounder of the Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Science. Three are known: On the exploitation of carbonates of sodium in the Urao lagoon of Mrida province (1816), Notes on the main circumstances of the earthquake of Caracas (1817) and a Geographic description of Valley of Ccuta (1817). Santiago Schnell (born in Caracas, on October 6, 1971) is a biophysical chemist and computational and mathematical biologist. Like other professors, he resigned in 1951 in protest at decree 321 of the military junta, which ended the autonomy of the university. Back in Venezuela was elected deputy is witness of exception of the installation of the Congress of Angostura the February 15, 1819. More recently, her research group has been focused on developing numerical algorithms for sub-micron and nano-scale heat transport in semiconductors (molecular dynamics, lattice-Boltzmann method and phonon Boltzmann transport). He has published more than 50 peer reviewed scientific papers, three textbooks and 28 chapters in major urology books. The integrated circuit (IC) featured the Mostek MK6010L "calculator on a chip.". These pathogens have well characterized effectors to circumvent plant host recognition that in the genus Phytophthora include RxLR, Crinkler and other small secreted proteins. Alegra, Ceferino. There he began one of many successful business ventures by selling coffee and in 1930 founded Radio Caracas Radio. He then spent a year as a visiting assistant professor in the department of electrical engineering at Stanford. and the National Laboratory of the Secretary of Health and Welfare. He is considered the father of parasitology and bioanalysis in Venezuela. He was awarded with the Robert E. Horton Medal (1998), the Stockholm Water Prize (2002) and the William Bowie Medal (2009). The first European to reach what is now known as Panama was the Spanish Explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa who arrived on the Atlantic Coast in 1501. He has published more than 240 papers on results of clinical, physiological, pharmacological and psychiatric research carried out by his team and is today a reviewer for several American and European scientific journals. Carlos Roubicek (Praga, 1916 Caracas, 2004) Czech master brewer of Jewish origin. The combined vaccine was tested worldwide, but was not more effective than regular BCG. [79] He was admitted in Harvard University, where he completed the Ph.D. under the supervision of Cumrun Vafa in 2002. He has designed over 26 commercial power-chip designs and delivered over 95 presentations worldwide. After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, in 1939 he was exiled with his family to Paris and from there to Caracas, after receiving an invitation from the Venezuelan government to work as professor of physiology in the faculty of medicine of the Central University of Venezuela in 1940. Graduated in chemistry from the Universidad Simn Bolvar (1976) had a PhD in physicochemistry from the University of Southampton (1980). Hernndez Caballero, Serafn (Editor). Social scientist specializing in the learning of Organizational Change. She is known for her independent films and documentaries, including one about Alexander Graham Bell. This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ). The Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC) founded on February 9, 1959, by government decree, has its origins in the Venezuelan Institute of Neurology and Brain Research (IVNIC) which Dr. Humberto Fernandez Moran founded in 1955. He became a professor in the Faculty of Medicine of the Central University of Venezuela, first in physiology, then in pathology and later in pathophysiology. In his recently founded section he studied Chagas disease, Trypanosoma rangeli, cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, intestinal and hepatic amebiasis, schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, Systematic mycoses, malnutrition and poisonous animals. [26] In 2010 was elected as Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences. He has received, among other awards, the Tajima Award from the International Society of Electrochemistry (1986), Lorenzo Mendoza Fleury Award from the Empresas Polar Foundation (1993). Its main contribution to education and the productive world is to maintain a line of research in social sciences, from 1969 to the present, aimed at decoding change in organizations as social cells, resulting in their theory of learning organizational change (19901994) and then the Work Education System (SET) (19962005) that would put theory into action, thus proposing a systemic option to approach organizational change. His exploration work served as a basis for the ethnological work of his brother Gaspar Marcano. He is currently in the process of canonization. During the fifty years that he taught at the college level, he also published over 200 academic papers and was named honorary professor at the Simn Bolvar University. Marcel Roche (Caracas, August 15, 1920 Miami, May 3, 2003) was a physician, researcher and scientific leader. She is member of the Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Science (AsoVAC), of the American Physics Society and of the European Society of Physics. Launched in 1960 the Harina P.A.N. Engaged by INTEVEP in 1977 led the first investigative sketches referring to heavy oil emulsion-surfactant technology that conducted to the Orimulsion trade mark in 1983. Sie verlesen von der Regierung. Patricia Velsquez is a Venezuelan model and actress best known for playing Anck-su-namun in The Mummy (1999). He completed studies at the Central University of Venezuela, gained the title of Odontologist in 1917. In 1937 had achieved the creation of the Rancho Grande National Park at north of Maracay, Aragua state, the first national park of Venezuela. A visionary like few formed in civil engineering, exerted for many years the teaching and the investigation in the Central University of Venezuela and the University of Zulia. In this discipline studied the importance of insects as vectors in the transmission of diseases, was the author of numerous papers and identified Necator americanus as the cause of anemia in patients who had suffered from malaria. [24] He received the Order of the Liberator. He completed his PhD in ecology and plant pathology in 1997 at UC Davis studying the effect of cover crop decomposition on soil nutrient cycling and soil microbiology. Some publications include: G. Carnevali, G.A. For most of the eighteenth century, cotton was an exotic commodity because it was . He also did work in geography, geology, language, anthropology, physics, paleontology and archeology. Rafael Rangel (Betijoque, 1877-Caracas, 1909). 1861 - Richard Gatling invented the machine gun. Updated on February 04, 2020. 1971. He became the most important scientist in the country during the second half of the 19th century and was a key figure in the creation of the Museum of Natural Science and the National Library of Venezuela, where he also served as its director. The hospital belonging to the National Institute of Social Security, located to the west of Caracas, bears his name.[65]. 1. Dedicated to outreach, she co-developed Engineering Your Future, the Society of Women Engineers workshop for female and minority high school students, and Moving 4th into Engineering, an outreach program targeted toward fourth graders. Conferencist by invitation to the research units of pharmaceutical companies such as Sandoz (Basel), Lilly (Indianapolis), Janssen (Belgium), and Bristol (New York). "The Bolivarian diaspora is a reversal of fortune on a massive scale". In 1908, at the request of President Cipriano Castro, he was in charge of the sanitary campaign to eradicate bubonic plague in La Guaira. Ediciones Pulmobronk. Number Individual of the Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences (since 2003, president 20092011). Graduated in Chemistry (UCV, 1967), PhD Biochemistry (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1972), Emeritus Titular Researcher (Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research, IVIC) where she did her full scientific career (19722010) in the field of biochemistry and cell biology of pathogenic fungi. Julian Chela-Flores (born June 13, 1942, in Caracas). Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO Text taken from Latin America, in: UNESCO Science Report: the Race Against Time for Smarter Development., Gabriela Dutrnit, Carlos Aguirre-Bastos, Martn Puchet and Mnica Salazar, UNESCO. The Busicom LE-120A "HANDY" was the first pocket calculator. - Answers Subjects > Travel & Places > Travel Destinations What are the inventions from Venezuela? R. Robinson, "Analog: The indispensable technology", Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientficas, "The first cataract surgeons in Latin America (16111830)", "Dr. Miguel Prez Carreo: Un innovador de la ciruga", "Julian Chela-Flores: The Science of Astrobiology: A Personal View on Learning to Read the Book of Life (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology)", "Ver la interaccin entre las partculas me enamor", "Prestigious Award for ICTP Diploma Alumnus", "Alumna Mayly Sanchez Honored with Prestigious Presidential Award", "Fsico venezolana obtiene galardn otorgado por Obama", "President Obama Honors Outstanding Early-Career Scientists", "Cientfica venezolana es premiada en la Casa Blanca", "Ecuatoriana entre las 10 cientficas ms destacadas de Latinoamrica", "Freddy Alexander CACHAZO ICTP Diploma", "Harvard PhD Theses in Physics: 2000 to Present",, "Aldemaro Romero: Complete List of Publications", "A Machine-Independent Theory of the Complexity of Recursive Functions", "Toward a mathematical theory of inductive inference", "K-Gray Engineering Pathway Digital Library", "Cristina Amon: Executive Profile & Bibliography", "CMU professor, researcher honored as national Hispanic Engineer of Year", "Young women need strong female role modelsand Evelyn Miralles is one", "Biografa de Evelyn Miralles, innovadora principal de ingeniera del Virtual Reality Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center. So, a few days later traveled to the countryside, where he played his first professional years, particularly in the states Lara, Zulia and the Andes, back to Caracas after 5 years (1884 / 1889). The National Foundation for Development and Investigation of Free Technologies (CENDITEL) has proposed the creation of a platform that offers the necessary services for the development of free technologies as well as free software throughout the nation with the goal of achieving technological sovereignty. africans have invented power barges, armoured vehicles, tv se lighting protectors, electronic outlet protectors, husking machines, mini-hydroelectric dams, generators, ballistics, space rockets, military drones, planes, boats, cars, dry bath gel, pathogen detection systems, cancer treatment, robotic surgery, humanoid robots, anti-collision [80] Luis Alberto Machado (Caracas, January 21, 1932 Caracas, February 23, 2016) Venezuelan lawyer, author and politician. Four innovations in particular helped change fashion: the cotton gin, spinning jenny, sewing machine, and artificial dye.. Cotton Gin. Here is a list of 20 American inventions in the last 200 years that have significantly . The manuscripts of Lfling, which were found after his death, were preserved by his two assistants and Linnnus posthumously published his Iter Hispanicum, eller resa til Spanska Lnderna uti Europa och America 1751 til 1756 in 1758. The Institute of Venezuelan Petroleum Technology (INTEVEP) is the research arm of Petrleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). Romero-Gonzlez. These gadgets lead him to consider new challenges and discover of physical principles in practical ways. After graduating from Simn Bolvar University in 1996, attended a year-long Postgraduate Diploma Programme at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. In November 1984, the University of Los Andes awarded him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa "for his useful creative work", the first time that this award had been given to a country man. Polar Foundation, Dictionary of History of Venezuela, 2nd Edition, Caracas: Fundacin Polar, 1997. Originally born in Spain, his family moved to the capital Caracas in Venezuela in the second year of his life. His remains were buried in the National Pantheon on July 10, 1991.[23]. Venezuela's main astronomical observatory is the Llano del Hato National Astronomical Observatory, located 3600m above sea level in the Venezuelan Andes providing high-level training. He has written several books, chapters of others, and over 160 other publications. Graduated as a medical doctor at Universidad Central de Venezuela, in Caracas. He helped found the Sociedad Econmica de Amigos del Pas the following year, and in 1830 the government appointed him to create and direct the new Military Academy of Mathematics. [56] At the fall of the military government in 1958, Francisco de Venanzi is appointed president of the governing body at UCV, where he favors the return of professors retired from the university during the political crisis of 1952 and helps to establish the new university law. In Germany visit the Institute of Tropical Diseases Hamburg in 1928. Inciarte was the first Venezuelan to become chief petroleum engineer for any of SHELL's Group of Companies Worldwide, and after many years of a very successful career in PDVSA was named the first president of INTEVEP (Venezuela's Technology Research and Development Center). Felix Pifano (San Felipe, Yaracuy, May 1, 1912 August 8, 2003) was a Venezuelan physician and researcher, graduated in the Central University of Venezuela (1935) and laureate of the National Academy of Medicine in Paris. "The tub-thumping exponent of the revolucin bolivariana took his lead from, of course, Simn Bolvar. He also serves on the editorial board of three urologic journals. Manuel Nez Tovar (Caicara, Monagas, September 24, 1872 Maracay, Aragua, January 27, 1928) was naturalist, researcher, parasitologist and entomologist. Grafham tried to make things a little safer with this 1930s bumper, a sponge rubber seat that promised to protect pedestrians from injuries if they were hit by a speeding automobile. His remains were buried in the National Pantheon on August 20, 1977. I thought that if we changed the grinding and the humidity of the "Corn Flakes", we could get a precooked flour that would not give so much work to the housewife. who holds the Gluskin Sheff Freeman Dyson Chair in Theoretical Physics at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. A former beauty queen, Velsquez took part in the Miss Venezuela 1989 contest.Patricia Velsquez is also a humanitarian; she earned the Women Together award in 2009 for her work with UNESCO. 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